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By Seles on 27 Jul 2017
Digital Editor


Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing who heads Hutchison Whampoa, waves as he leaves a press conference that announced the company's profits for 2008, in Hong Kong on March 26, 2009. Hong Kong port-to-telecoms conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa said its net profit for 2008 fell 42 percent, as one-off disposal gains had strongly boosted its earnings the previous year. Hutchison, said its net profit for 2008 stood at 17.66 billion Hong Kong dollars (2.3 billion USD), down from 30.60 billion dollars in 2007, total revenue for the firm which has holdings in ports, retail, property, energy, infrastructure and telecoms across the world rose 13 percent in 2008 to 348.37 billion USD. AFP PHOTO / Antony DICKSONPhoto from



78bb680a771847d3fe19e141d62719b2Photo from Ista


誠哥近年偏好跨足多方業務,例如之前2014年收購飛機租賃業務,愛爾蘭的Awas;再來就是火車租賃行業,英國的Eversholt Rail;接著又是建築設備公司,加拿大的Reliance Home Comfort。這些都顯示出誠哥不畏經濟風雨影響,長期提供穩定回報的資產。


🏆 立即報名「中小企卓越成就獎2024」


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