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By cherry.liu on 09 Mar 2018

社交媒體興起下,人人都可是網絡紅人大賺一筆。美國大學生Andrew Kozlovski正是其中一員。擁有俊俏外貌的他憑著IG售賣自家製的保健產品,收入竟達美元金7萬港元。

Wow I am truly humbled right now. This week has been the biggest week in my life as an entrepreneur. Over ? 250,000 reads in the first 24 hours on my feature with @businessinsider! Over 7k new followers here on IG in 5 days, hundreds of new subscribers on my YouTube, and of course a HUGE spike @brainzpower from all those people that joined the power family! Thank you so much to everyone who supports me, what I’m doing, and my vision. I have never been so happy, and the best part is that it’s only going to get better. So thank you so much, I’m only going to get better, work harder, execute smarter, provide you guys with more value not just from my companies products but from the content I put out here and on YouTube. I am so grateful, again thank you for your support it honestly means the world to me. Here’s to many more life changing weeks ?#powerfamily

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Kozlovski就讀於南加州大學,本身亦為一個游泳健將。他於19歲時開始售賣自製的保健藥物,並在個人Instagram上宣傳。基於游泳運動員的背景,Kozlovsk一直專注於家鄉附近的實驗室開發有助提升表現的保健食品。名為Brainz Power的食品更獲美國食品藥品監督管理局認可。

產品研發成功之後,Kozlovski就一直於其社交平台上宣傳自製的保健食品。 售價50美元的Brainz Power為其帶來了每月6千至1萬美元的收入。

Cyber Monday sale ends in 12 hours! Get 25% off all orders today only with code “CYBERMONDAY” #Sale

Brainz Power Nootropic(@brainzpower)分享的貼文 於 張貼


So today I had a photo shoot for @businessinsider which will post a story about me tomorrow with the premise being “a day in my life” so if you want to see my life hour by hour photographed and explained by Harrison (a rockstar writer at Business Insider) then make sure to check out tomorrow’s article! Three years ago when I was 19 (and brainstorming the startup of @brainzpower) I remember reading articles of entrepreneurs under the age of 22 and gaining confidence that we are able to achieve amazing and great things at an early age (and with no money, or experience) and I am so blessed to have things fall the way that they did so that now I am becoming that story. With each additional story that gets written about me my single goal is that someone like me reads it and says if he was able to do it I can too. We are capable of so much more than we think, we just need that extra push every now and then, and I hope one of these articles does that just that. (This picture is taken inside of my investments class in Popovich Hall, one of the three buildings for the Marshall School of Business.)

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他直言, 母親時常提醒他不要擔心如何儲蓄,而是想想如何賺更多錢。因此,他以不被學生貸款困擾為其目標。當少了支付學費這個支出,他就可以賺取更多的金錢。


Text by BusinessFocus Editorial


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