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【首富光環?】Bill Gates、誠哥投資的新創公司「出事」,董事會成員走剩一人

【首富光環?】Bill Gates、誠哥投資的新創公司「出事」,董事會成員走剩一人

By Seles on 20 Jul 2017
Digital Editor

Jars of Hampton Creek Inc. Just Mayo brand egg-less mayonnaise are arranged with deli meat and bread for a photograph in Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S., on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2016. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is looking into whether the San Francisco-based food technology startup, Hampton Creek, broke the law by not disclosing that it was buying its own vegan mayonnaise from stores, which made the product appear to be more successful than it was, according to people familiar with the matter. Photographer: Daniel Acker/BloombergPhoto from Bloomberg

美國食品科技公司Hampton Creek因研發人造蛋與植物蛋黃醬,受到環球首富Bill Gates以及長和主席李嘉誠青睞且均有份入股。但Hampton Creek風雨不斷,不斷爆出產品爭議,也爆過「假買家」的醜聞。先前就有Hampton Creek員工匿名爆料,公司為了讓銷售業績好看一點,在全國聘請人到超市回購自己的蛋黃醬產品Just Mayo,事件爆出後,讓這家新創公司無形中又披上了一層陰影。而如今,又再爆出公司管理爭議,公司董事會成員紛紛離職,至今僅剩下CEO Josh Tetrick一人。離開的成員包括Bon Appétit Management Co.的共同創辦人兼CEO Fedele Bauccio、前任美國衛生及公共服務部秘書長Kathleen Sebelius、Google DeepMind共同創辦人Mustafa Suleyman、科斯拉創業投資公司合夥人Samir Kaul以及代表李嘉誠維港投資的Bart Swanson。

img-1500525532-49725Photo from Twitter

hamptoncreekPhoto from Forbes

面臨如此大風吹,可能和CEO Josh Tetrick激進的經營方式有關,他曾在一次採訪中提及「我就是要做出來(I’m fcking going for it, man. I’m fcking going for it)」。他表示人生太短,要將盡己所能投入團隊,對世界作出改變。

對於董事會成員紛紛離去,CEO Tetrick表示成員的改動是為了「確保員工可以有足夠能力來指引我們的任務」,並強調變動與他們所進行的產平研發一樣中要。而離開的董事會成員代表在一封郵件中表示「將繼續全力支持Hampton Creek和CEO Josh,以及他們的野心與任務,我們將為Josh及其團隊提供全面的戰略建議,幫助推動公司前進。」

FILE - In this Dec. 3, 2013, file photo, Hampton Creek Foods CEO Josh Tetrick holds a species of yellow pea used to make Just Mayo, a plant-based mayonnaise, in San Francisco. The Agriculture Department says it is looking into documents that show that an egg industry organization under government oversight tried to harm sales of an imitation mayonnaise. According to email documents provided to The Associated Press, the American Egg Board tried to prevent Whole Foods retailers from selling Hampton Creek's eggless Just Mayo spread. The egg board is one of many industry promotional boards overseen by USDA but paid for by the industries themselves. By law, the boards cannot disparage other commodities. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File)Photo from theepochtimes

Hampton Creek於2011年由Josh Balk和Josh Tetrick共同創辦,公司專注於以植物原料製造不含雞蛋的蛋類製品,旨在希望以先進科技去減少人類對於畜禽獲取蛋白質的依賴,進而降低畜牧業對環境造成的污染。憑藉對環境與科技的概念,吸引了Bill Gates 與李嘉誠的投資,產品也能在美國及香港購買到。

如今醜聞連連,董事會又僅剩CEO一人獨撐大樑,Hampton Creek未來是否能繼續不負環球富豪們的期待,相信大家都在看著。




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