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By PR Newswire on 14 Mar 2023
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.


東京2023年3月14日 /美通社/ -- 作為一家鋰金屬電池創新開發製造商,盟維科技最新推出的高功率鋰金屬電池在近期完成了多家商用無人機的續航測試。與使用傳統鋰離子電池相比,配備盟維新型METARY® P 系列產品的行業無人機的飛行時間延長了60%-80%。

提升續航時間對於行業無人機的諸多實際應用至關重要,METARY® P 系列為此類應用場景提供了獨特的解決方案。通過採用金屬鋰負極和改性阻燃電解液,METARY® P 系列電池不僅提供了超過400Wh/kg的質量能量密度,可以為行業無人機提供超長的續航時間,而且具備高功率的特點,以保證無人機可以安全快速地垂直起飛,便於操控。

Montavista launches a new line of Lithium Metal Battery products, featuring both high power and high specific energy.
Montavista launches a new line of Lithium Metal Battery products, featuring both high power and high specific energy.

作為鋰金屬電池開發製造領域探索者,早在2020年盟維科技就發佈了METARY® E系列產品,該系列產品可提供超過500Wh/kg的超高質量能量密度,適用於高空太陽能飛機等放電倍率相對較低的應用場景。而新發佈的METARY® P 系列產品則為需要更大放電倍率但不希望犧牲質量能量密度的客戶提供了解決方案。

一家正在開發電動垂直起降飛機 (eVTOL) 的創業公司這樣評價:「與盟維科技的合作讓我們發現了兼具高能量密度和高倍率性能的產品,也看到了鋰金屬電池應用的遠大前景,希望我們後續合作項目會將這些應用變成現實。」 





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