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PressLogic BusinessFocus即將改名 繼續向讀者帶來高質素和深度的商業及金融資訊

PressLogic BusinessFocus即將改名 繼續向讀者帶來高質素和深度的商業及金融資訊

By BusinessFocus on 05 Nov 2019

PressLogic - BusinessFocus is going to be renamed as "BusinessFocus", where our editorial team will keep  providing managers, technology enthusiasts and enterprisers with high quality contents about new business, investment, technology and entrepreneurial inspiration.

感謝各位讀者一路以來的支持與喜愛,「PressLogic - BusinessFocus」即將改名為「BusinessFocus」,繼續貼近市場,為各位讀者帶來深度的商業及金融資訊,為管理人員、科技愛好者和企業家提供嶄新的商業、投資、科技資訊和創業靈感,成為領先的商業金融資訊集中地。

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