Facebook創辦人兼任執行長Mark Zuckerberg曾接受外媒Y Combinator訪問,大談開設Facebook 12年來的點點滴滴,並分享了很多管理心得,現在就與各位重溫。
當被問及最受爭議性的董事會成員Peter Thiel給予了他最佳的建議是,Zuckerberg就引用說:「在一個變動非常急速的世界中,你可以承擔最大的風險就是不去承擔任何風險。」他續稱,如果一間公司一路處於停滯狀態而不作出任何改變的話, 那就會保證失敗,並不會趕上別人的步伐。
Photo from Forbes
So I actually think when you do stuff well, you shouldn't have to do big, crazy things, right? So you actually want to evolve in a way where you're working with your community and making steps and learning. So take News Feed, for example. There was a relatively big shift, but it actually had been a couple of years in the making by watching how people were using the service.
Photo from Oculus
But I actually kind of think as CEO it's your job to not get into a position where you need to be doing these crazy things. Of course it's inevitable over the period of doing stuff, you can't be ahead of everything. So it's better to make big move and be willing to do that than have pride and not do that and never admit that you could have done something better in the past. But I think when stuff is working well, you're learning incrementally and growing that way.
Photo from Tech Crunch
談到Facebook最新動態,一定非旗下社交平台Instagram莫屬了。Instagram最近效法大敵Snapchat完整地推出了Story功能, 雖然這個功能的風險就是背上了抄襲等等指控,但Facebook很快發現了人們喜愛像Story一樣這些很短暫的内容,而非抄襲這些無可避免的指控。面對這些被指控,甚至會自毀名譽的風險,Facebook甘願冒上,為的只是因爲了解用家的愛好。總結約25分鐘的訪問,Zuckerberg始終對於冒險這個命題有著深刻的感受。始終,他毅然退學去開辦Facebook這件事本來也是冒了很大風險;如今獲得如此成功,也難怪他會感受這麽深。
Whenever you get yourself into a position where you have to make some big shift and direction or do something, there always ... people are going to point to the downside risks of that decision, and locally they may be right. For any given decision that you're going to make, there's upside and downside, but in aggregate if you are stagnant and you don't make those changes, then I think you're guaranteed to fail and not catch up. So to some degree, I think it's really right that over time the biggest risk that you can take is to not take any risks