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By Seles on 14 Jul 2017
Digital Editor


Junior Wyatt, 8, from Tamworth in Staffordshire is a young entrepreneur who has made a 'cracking' start to his business career by starting his own egg delivery company, Mr Free Range, after watching Channel 4's How'd You Get So Rich? TV show. See NTI story NTIEGGS. One of Britain’s youngest entrepreneurs earns £13,000 a year at the age of eight – from selling EGGS. Junior Wyatt flogs the eggs at a rate of £2 for six, £3.50 for 12 and £6 for 30 after collecting them from Betty’s Farm shop in Derby. In the last week, he sold 750 eggs which earned him around £250 for the week and with the customer numbers on the rise, he could reach figures of £13,000 a year. The young entrepreneur from Tamworth, Staffs., delivers the eggs around the town which his mum, Georgina, has helped him with by setting up a Facebook page. Junior, who calls his business “Mr Free Rangeâ€, took the idea of an egg distribution service from the Channel 4 programme “How’d You Get So Rich†– where a successful entrepreneur got his break selling eggs. The young businessman, who started his egg delivery service with only £10, said: "It has been so exciting earning my own money and meeting lots of new people.â€Photo from SWNS

這位年僅8歲卻有著超齡頭腦的Junior Wyatt,上月用了僅僅10英鎊創立了一家名叫「Mr Free Range」的雞蛋公司,單是上星期就獲利近250英鎊(約2500港元),照這樣推算,他一年下來將可賺得1.3萬英鎊(約13萬港元),整整高出原本投資額的1300倍。


Photo from SWNS

Wyatt當初是受到當地第四頻道紀錄片系列「How’d You Get So Rich」(如何致富) 的啟發,讓他展開百萬富翁之路。之後在媽媽的幫助下成立了Facebook專業,利用自己賺到的錢,買了一套利物浦周邊商品當作犒賞自己的禮物。Wyatt表示「我已經買到了利物浦冠軍聯賽的足球套件了,不過現在我要把我往後賺到的利潤存起來,讓我變得更有錢。」「我的夢想是成功,並且成為一名拳擊手,而且還要擁有豪宅,這樣一來我的家人都能永遠與同住。」

Photo from SWNS





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