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By PR Newswire on 13 May 2022
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

越南河內和聖迭戈2022年5月14日 /美通社/-- Viettel Group(越南電信)和高通技術公司(Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.)宣佈計劃合作開發具有大規模多輸入多輸出(MIMO)能力和分佈式單元(DU)的新一代5G射頻單元(RU)。這項合作主要是為了幫助加快越南及全球的5G網絡基礎設施與服務的開發和推廣。

Mr. Hoang Dinh Hai Truyen, Representative of Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation and Mr. Durga Malladi, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Mobility and Infrastructure, Qualcomm Technologies.
Mr. Hoang Dinh Hai Truyen, Representative of Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation and Mr. Durga Malladi, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Mobility and Infrastructure, Qualcomm Technologies.

利用Qualcomm® X100 5G RAN加速卡和Massive MIMO Qualcomm® QRU100 5G RAN平台,再結合自身的先進硬件和軟件系統,Viettel預計將加快高性能Open RAN大規模MIMO解決方案的開發和商業化,從而簡化網絡部署並降低總擁有成本(TCO)。


Viettel High Technology總經理Nguyen Vu Ha表示:「 Viettel在採用5G等電信新技術方面一直走在前列。我們很高興高通技術公司成為我們5G gNodeB項目的關鍵技術供應商。高通技術公司與Viettel Group之間的這項合作將成為越南5G基礎設施國家戰略的基石。」 

高通技術公司蜂窩調製解調器與基礎設施部門高級副總裁兼總經理Durga Malladi表示:「 高通技術公司作為5G領域的全球技術領導者,期待與Viettel合作開發Open RAN解決方案,為越南的下一代無線網絡奠定基礎。」 




高通是世界領先的無線技術創新者,是5G開發、上市和擴展背後的推動力。高通技術公司是高通公司(Qualcomm Incorporated)的子公司,與其它子公司一起經營公司旗下所有的工程、研發職能部門,以及所有的產品和服務業務,包括QCT半導體業務。




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