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第125屆廣交會力推創新展品 呈現未來發展形態

第125屆廣交會力推創新展品 呈現未來發展形態

Market Information PR Newswire
By PR Newswire on 05 Apr 2019
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

廣州2019年4月5日 /美通社/ -- 第125屆廣交會將於4月15日在廣州舉辦,多種類創新展品為全球消費者展現未來發展趨勢。

順應移動互聯網的全面爆發,本屆電子消費品及信息產品展區聚焦IOT和5G技術運用的產品創新。家電展區匯聚海爾、美的、TCL、海信、格力、長虹等世界一流企業。此外,國際家電類大企業踴躍參展,包括英國第二大裝飾照明設備品牌Cascade、日本安全高效美容護理品牌Time Lab、韓國健康生活創新家電龍頭企業NUC等國際知名品牌和產品齊聚一堂,展示更領先更智能的家電產品和相關數字服務,打造人機智能交互新體驗。

第125屆廣交會力推創新展品 呈現未來發展形態

第125屆廣交會力推創新展品 呈現未來發展形態






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