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Google Venture創辦人兼執行長Bill Maris離任:「我離開是因為一切都看來很好。」

Google Venture創辦人兼執行長Bill Maris離任:「我離開是因為一切都看來很好。」

By cherry.liu on 12 Aug 2016

前身為Google Venture的投資基金GV執行長Bill Maris日前宣佈離任執行長一職。Bill Maris為Google Venture創辦人,把這家現稱GV的投資基金發展成爲一家以數據科學為投資決定的基礎的投資基金。Maris離任之後將由現任GV合夥人之一的David Krane接任。

GVPhoto from GV

Maris離開之後將會成為第三個離任的Google母公司Alphabet高層。至於接手的David Krane則為Google元老,是最早期的企業通訊經理之一。Maris在2009年開辦Google Venture,並在短期内把Google Venture建立為矽谷有名的企業之一。在2015年,GV旗下資金達24億美元。在公司業務蒸蒸日上時,爲何Maris會選擇急流勇退呢?在接受外媒訪問時,他表示「我離開是因為一切看起來都很好。」



I have an 11-month-old son and a wife. And I legitimately want to spend more time with them. It's mission accomplished for me. Eight years is long than I thought I would spend.


Bill Maris Photo from Bill Maris

(圖為Bill Maris和他的家人)


GV is seen as a premier venture capital operation around the world. If it weren't in great shape, that would be the wrong time to leave. I'm leaving because everything is great.


EngadgetPhoto from Engadget

在訪問尾聲, Maris則表示尚沒有未來計劃再次擔任投資者或企業家。不過,以他對投資世界的熱愛看來,相信在將來會在投資世界再次看到Maris的出現。

I don't know. I love the investment world because it’s so highly leveraged. If you’re a polymath or have a short attention span — me being the latter of the two — you can get to work on anything.

我不知道。我愛投資世界,因爲它是非常充滿影響力的。如果你是一個博學的人,又或者擁有很短暫的注意力 — 我就是後者 — 你可以做任何事。

If you look at the team at GV, one thing that they have in common: What they are doing now is not what they started with their careers. They can do anything.





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