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花旗銀行提供銀色債券公開認購服務 並推出認購優惠

花旗銀行提供銀色債券公開認購服務 並推出認購優惠

Market Information Media OutReach
By Media OutReach on 14 Jul 2023
Media OutReach is the first full-service newswire company in Asia Pacific offering a totally integrated service of press release distribution and media monitoring with analysis service for the public relations and investors relations communities. Founded in 2009, the company is headquartered in Hong Kong with office in Singapore.

香港 - Media OutReach - 2023年7月14日 - 客戶可以於各花旗銀行分行以債券戶口形式認購銀色債券,並獲豁免以下收費:

1) 認購手續費
2) 存倉費
3) 代收利息費
4) 到期贖回費
5) 提早贖回手續費
6) 存入費
7) 轉出費

以上須受有關條款及細則約束,有關認購銀色債券的詳情可致電2860 0222或向分行職員查詢。
Hashtag: #花旗銀行



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