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7仔著數多 $50現金套券限量發售 同場加映 一系列$50貨品推介任你選擇 

7仔著數多 $50現金套券限量發售 同場加映 一系列$50貨品推介任你選擇 

Market Information Media OutReach
By Media OutReach on 02 Jun 2021
Media OutReach is the first full-service newswire company in Asia Pacific offering a totally integrated service of press release distribution and media monitoring with analysis service for the public relations and investors relations communities. Founded in 2009, the company is headquartered in Hong Kong with office in Singapore.

澳門 - Media OutReach - 2021年6月2日 - 即日起,到7-Eleven購買一套$50現金套券(每套9張)只需要$400,平均每張$44.4就可當作$50,更可配合電子消費券使用,就抵上加抵!現金套券數量有限,售完即止。同場加映,即日起至7月6日,還有大量$50貨品推介,快到附近7-Eleven掃貨啦!

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7仔著數多 $50貨品推介

如何至醒使用$50現金券?7-Eleven推出多款$50貨品推介*,讓你用盡至抵價錢買到優質貨品,其中包括:李子柒椒麻寬面/ 紅油面皮寬面($50/ 3件)、7-SELECT雞髀($50/ 3件)、王子菁華4合1洗衣珠六粒裝($50/ 5件),及7PREMIUM碎朱古力曲奇/ 白朱古力夾心餅乾($50/ 4件)!優惠涵蓋不同產品,欲知更多優惠詳情,可瀏覽



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