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By PR Newswire on 08 May 2020
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

MCI、安特衛普大學、安特衛普管理學院進行合作 | 盡管疫情持續,但是保證課程進度不受限制 | 現在開始申請,將在2020年11月開始學習

奧地利因斯布魯克2020年5月8日 /美通社/ -- 為期四年、參與者來自於世界各地的高級工商管理博士課程(Executive PhD Program),專為富有經驗、希望將最新的研究發現和學術專長應用於複雜的經濟問題的國際高管和管理者量身打造,而這些複雜的經濟問題與他們的專業活動息息相關。這門國際知名的博士課程由安特衛普大學(University of Antwerp)、安特衛普管理學院(Antwerp Management School)和因斯布魯克管理中心(MCI)聯合開展。在奧地利,該課程獲得了AQ Austria的認證。

Susanne E. Herzog, Head of the Executive Education Department at MCI, and Markus Kittler, Academic Program Director, further developed the Executive PhD program in a highly professional manner with regard to the COVID requirements. © MCI
Susanne E. Herzog, Head of the Executive Education Department at MCI, and Markus Kittler, Academic Program Director, further developed the Executive PhD program in a highly professional manner with regard to the COVID requirements. © MCI

下一批學生計劃在2020年11月開始學習,COVID-19疫情不會對課程的品質造成損害。MCI學術課程總監Markus Kittler對此解釋說:「我們早就注意到,國際旅行限制將在相當長的時間內繼續有效,我們將校園學習模塊轉變成為混合和網上學習模塊。這確保參與者能夠按計劃完成博士課程,課程的持續時間/品質也不會受到任何不利影響。」

因此今年秋季將會採取網上授課形式。MCI能夠為此利用其在網上學習上面的多年專長。MCI管理教育部門主管Susanne E. Herzog補充說:「我們在幾年前就已經開始轉變我們的工商管理碩士(MBA)課程,將學習與流動和網上形式結合到一起。這一專長現在幫助我們在關於新要求上面,以高度專業的方式進一步開發高級工商管理博士課程,並為學員帶來最為理想的支持。」一旦健康上面的風險可控和旅行限制解除,在校園中上課將會恢複。


The Executive PhD program is jointly run by the University of Antwerp, Antwerp Management School and MCI and will start for the fourth time. © MCI
The Executive PhD program is jointly run by the University of Antwerp, Antwerp Management School and MCI and will start for the fourth time. © MCI

傳媒聯繫人:Ulrike Fuchs,電郵,電話:+43-(0)512-2070-1527


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