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花旗銀行零售銀行業務主管李貴莊  夥財神向員工拜年齊賀新春

花旗銀行零售銀行業務主管李貴莊 夥財神向員工拜年齊賀新春

Market Information Media OutReach
By Media OutReach on 08 Feb 2019
Media OutReach is the first full-service newswire company in Asia Pacific offering a totally integrated service of press release distribution and media monitoring with analysis service for the public relations and investors relations communities. Founded in 2009, the company is headquartered in Hong Kong with office in Singapore.

香港,中國 - Media OutReach - 201928 - 己亥年首個工作天(大年初四)早上,花旗銀行零售銀行業務主管李貴莊聯同象徵財運亨通的財神到花旗銀行分行向各同拜年後來到位於中環的會德豐分行及位於觀塘的旗大樓分行向員工大派利是。去年12月履新的零售銀行業務主管李貴莊首次代花旗銀行為同事送上新春祝福,她祝願同事在新一年大展鴻圖,繼用花旗集團的獨特優勢致力為客戶提供優質及個人化的財富管理產品和服務,幫助客戶實現財富增值





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