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By PR Newswire on 27 Sep 2018
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

中國深圳2018年9月27日電 /美通社/ -- 9月26日,德國萊茵TUV集團(簡稱:「TUV萊茵」)攜手 Healthe 在深圳洲際酒店舉辦數碼設備屏幕配件藍光過濾認證新標準發布會。該標準以視網膜保護因數為主要考量因素,採用視網膜保護指數(RPF)衡量防藍光屏阻隔有害藍光輻射量的表現。此外,該標準和相關的RPF值可確保維持整體顯示顏色質量,從而不破壞視覺體驗。TUV萊茵大中華區電子電氣服務副總裁楊佳劼先生,Healthe公司首席執行官 Mr. Justin Barrett, 以及 ZAGG 中國區運營總監 Mr. Steve Chan 出席了發布會。

ZAGG與Healthe合作將Eyesafe技術融入其InvisibleShield方案,是首家獲得TUV萊茵藍光過濾認證的產品。TUV萊茵大中華區電子電氣服務副總裁楊佳劼先生,ZAGG中國區運營總監Mr. Steve Chan以及Healthe公司首席執行官 Mr. Justin Barrett

ZAGG與Healthe合作將Eyesafe技術融入其InvisibleShield方案,是首家獲得TUV萊茵藍光過濾認證的產品。TUV萊茵大中華區電子電氣服務副總裁楊佳劼先生,ZAGG中國區運營總監Mr. Steve Chan以及Healthe公司首席執行官 Mr. Justin Barrett

該標準由 TUV萊茵、Healthe 以及多家全球公認的眼部護理機構合作制定。近期研究表明,人們越來越關心注視數字屏幕的時間,以及長期受藍光照射對眼部健康的影響(參考《藍光照射研究與來源》)。新的藍光過濾標準將為消費者,特別是高風險人群如:兒童和老年人提供參考。

楊佳劼表示:TUV萊茵很高興能與 Healthe 合作,為製造商提供全新藍光過濾標準,我們開發了嚴格的測試和評估方案,旨在為消費者提供了一致性及簡明的方法來理解屏幕過濾藍光水平的能力。

TUV萊茵藍光過濾標準為數碼設備消費者提供重要的參考信息。目前涉及眼睛健康和圍繞長期使用數碼設備的研究越來越多,結果表明過濾波長415-455納米的有害藍光並保證色彩質量至關重要,Healthe 的 Eyesafe 視力健康諮詢委員會成員、國際認可視光師 David Friess 博士說道。

新的測試和評估程序使用藍光危害加權係數衡量防藍光效果,該係數由國際非電離輻射防護委員會(ICNIRP)於2013年發布,2015年被美國國家標準學會(ANSI)採用。ZAGG 是屏幕保護產品的全球領導者,與 Healthe 合作將 Eyesafe 技術融入其 InvisibleShield 方案中,有效過濾有害的高能可見藍光,是首家獲得 TUV萊茵藍光過濾認證的產品。


德國萊茵TUV集團是全球提供獨立檢驗服務的領導者,擁有145年以上經驗,在全球各地設有分支機構,員工總數超過20,000人。德國萊茵TUV 2017年的營業額近20億歐元,其獨立的專家致力於確保人類、環境和科技在生活中幾乎所有方面的品質與安全。德國萊茵TUV致力為客戶提供設備和產品的檢測技術,項目監督以及優化生產流程等服務。該公司的專家為眾多職業和行業的人才提供培訓。為此,德國萊茵TUV集團建立了一個由認可實驗室、測試和教育中心組成的全球性網絡。從2006年開始, 德國萊茵TUV集團正式成為聯合國全球契約的成員,積極推動社會可持續性發展與創建公正廉潔的經營環境。網站

About Healthe LLC:

Healthe is a worldwide supplier of Eyesafe® blue light filtering technology for the world's leading device manufacturers. Eyesafe technology and associated intellectual property portfolio was developed by world-class engineers and a team with decades in electronics, display materials, and light management to selectively filter UV and high-energy visible (HEV) blue light while maintaining color quality. Similar to sunscreen, Eyesafe technology has an RPF® or Retina Protection Factor rating which corresponds to the amount of blue light energy filtered. Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Healthe works to develop technologies and standards in conjunction with leaders in the eye care community. To learn more about Healthe and Eyesafe® technology, please visit Eyesafe®, RPF™, and Retina Protection Factor are registered trademarks of Healthe.

Blue Light Exposure Research & Sources:

2. PLoS One. "Phototoxic action spectrum on a retinal pigment epithelium model of age-related macular degeneration exposed to sunlight normalized conditions."  

3. Ophthalmology, Volume 115. "Outdoor Activity Reduces the Prevalence of Myopia in Children"  

4. Harvard Health Letter. "Blue Light Has A Dark Side"  

5. Photochemistry and Photobiology. "Effects of Light-Emitting Diode Radiations on Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells in

6. Journal of Adolescent Health. "Blue Blocker Glasses as a Countermeasure for Alerting Effects of Evening Light-Emitting Diode
Screen Exposure in Male Teenagers"  

7. PLoS One. "Reducing Short-Wavelength Blue Light in Dry Eye Patients with Unstable Tear Film Improves Performance on
Tests of Visual Acuity"  

8. J Ophthalmol. "Attenuating Photostress and Glare Disability in Pseudophakic Patients through the Addition of a Short-Wave
Absorbing Filter"  

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