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By PR Newswire on 03 Apr 2024
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.



韓國首爾2024年4月3日 /美通社/ -- LAYER(首席執行官Shin Chan-ho)正式宣布獲得時裝品牌MARITHÉ FRANÇOIS GIRBAUD在亞洲地區的獨家許可協議。

MARITHÉ FRANÇOIS GIRBAUD,這一源自法國的時尚品牌,由設計師夫婦Marithé Bachellerie和François Girbaud於1972年創立,因其獨具匠心的丹寧系列享譽全球。2019年,MARITHÉ FRANÇOIS GIRBAUD與LAYER攜手,在韓國展開了一場全方位的品牌重塑之旅。這次重塑不僅將品牌的獨特傳統與現代設計感完美融合,更使MARITHÉ FRANÇOIS GIRBAUD煥發出前所未有的活力,實現了顯著的市場增長。2023年,品牌銷售額高達1000億韓元(約合7400萬美元),並成功在全國范圍內開設了61家線下門店。

MARITHÉ FRANÇOIS GIRBAUD已成為韓國時尚界最受矚目的品牌之一,在韓流和韓國時尚風靡的亞洲市場引發了極大的關注。當地企業紛紛對其全球擴張計劃表示出濃厚的興趣。在此背景下,LAYER成功獲得了MARITHÉ FRANÇOIS GIRBAUD的亞洲獨家授權,正式奠定了自己的地位。

The flagship store 'Villa de Marithé' opened in Hannam-dong, Seoul, in December 2023
The flagship store 'Villa de Marithé' opened in Hannam-dong, Seoul, in December 2023

LAYER首席執行官Shin Chan-ho表示:「One-Company戰略最近成為了我們全球授權業務的核心內容。MARITHÉ FRANÇOIS GIRBAUD的法國總部與LAYER將組隊進軍國際市場。我們對在全球范圍內取得成功充滿信心,相信法國總部所擁有的豐富檔案資料與LAYER在競爭激烈的韓國市場中錘煉出的獨特專業知識將產生強大的協同效應。」



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