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PURE Group銳意擴張版圖  迎接疫後強勁健體需求

PURE Group銳意擴張版圖 迎接疫後強勁健體需求

Market Information PR Newswire
By PR Newswire on 10 May 2021
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

香港2021年5月10日 /美通社/ -- 消費者愈來愈注重健康,令健體界別需求急速增長。旗下業務PURE Yoga 及PURE Fitness領先業界的PURE Group表示,集團正展現超出預期的業務增長,其中上海及北京分店於疫後的會員人數及到訪次數,均比疫前錄得史無前例的增幅,分別增加135%及194%;而香港及新加坡的顧客為了追求身心平衡,對健體方面的需求亦同樣有增無減。

PURE Yoga 上海恒隆廣場Plaza 66
PURE Yoga 上海恒隆廣場Plaza 66

作為業界龍頭,PURE Group率先構建創新「360健康生活」大型連鎖營運模式,集高強度鍛練精品團體健身概念品牌FUZE、健康飲食、瑜伽服飾品牌及營養諮詢服務於一身。集團目前員工超過2,000名,並擁有業界頂尖的瑜伽、團體訓練及私人健身教練,為現在及未來的成功奠下基礎。

面對消費者行為由線下極速轉移到線上,PURE Group亦就此推出不同嶄新平台,以應對不受時間地點限制的無縫健康生活。集團將斥資巨額,於內地首度推出線上直播及點播影片的PURECAST流動應用程式,期望向內地急速增長的健身及瑜伽市場,即接近1億名瑜伽及健身客戶*,提供世界級的個人化健體旅程。此外,集團夥拍FITURE,在Slim魔鏡器材的配合下,向用家提供在家健身的瑜伽及健身內容;PURE Fitness亦於早前與Apple Watch合作,讓持卡人可在Apple Watch上使用獨特功能,包括一鍵簽到、查看預約課程及課堂內容,以及記錄持卡人的儲物櫃編號等。

PURE Group正積極於內地尋找合適地點開設分店,以迎接健體市場上前所未有的需求。

(*來源: GWI Institute: 36Kr: China yoga market Blue Print: Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures analysis)


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