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Market Information PR Newswire
By PR Newswire on 27 Feb 2020
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

悉尼2020年2月27日 /美通社/ -- Biteeu數碼貨幣交易所本週在澳洲啓動了一項前所未有的「公益事業」活動,旨在拯救在澳洲2019年災難級火災中嚴重受影響的森林和動物。因此Biteeu將透過全球贈與基金會(GlobalGiving)將其三個月的收入捐贈給澳洲野火救援基金(Australia Wildfires Relief Fund)。Biteeu打算借此在澳洲和世界各地的加密貨幣社區和慈善組織之間搭建一座橋梁。






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