Crown World Mobility榮獲2018年最佳人力資源供應商評比兩項金獎
香港2018年12月3日電 /美通社/ -- Crown World Mobility 在2018年度最佳人力資源供應商獎 (HR Vendors of the Year Awards 2018) 評比中獲得兩項金獎,並被評為香港地區的「最佳搬遷公司」(Best Relocation Company) 與「最佳安居及諮詢顧問」(Best Mobility & Orientation Consultant)。
除此之外,Crown 馬來西亞和 Crown 新加坡分別在2018年度最佳人力資源供應商獎評比中獲得了馬來西亞地區的兩項金獎以及新加坡地區的一項金獎和一項銅獎。
Crown World Mobility 負責銷售和客戶管理的亞太區區域總監 Patrick Groth 表示:「很榮幸能夠獲得這些獎項。我為我們在亞太地區的非凡團隊感到無比驕傲。這些獎項是對 Crown 所有人員持續致力於為客戶提供最佳遷移解決方案的證明。」
Crown World Mobility 亞太區客戶管理總監 Caitlin Pyett 說道:「我們連續第四年在香港地區贏得兩項金獎表明了 Crown 繼續致力於提供非凡服務,為客戶的多元化需求提供真正支持的堅定承諾。我們仍將專注於以客戶服務作公司核心的傳統。」
敬請瀏覽 Crown 網站。
Crown World Mobility
Crown World Mobility ( is a division of the Crown Worldwide Group, established in 1965 and headquartered in Hong Kong. Crown World Mobility helps corporations manage global talent and talented individuals perform on the global stage. In a world that seems to be constantly shrinking, managing a globally mobile workforce creates challenges for any organization. These challenges are human in scale -- global assignments involve the everyday lives of transferees and their families. But there are policies to navigate, formalities to coordinate and legalities to adhere to -- at the same time as concentrating on a new assignment and getting a job done. Crown's approach is to work with all stakeholders to find the right solution, implementing a global mobility program that is successful for the whole organization. This often means finding a unique solution, which Crown has the experience and capability to deliver.