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By PR Newswire on 26 Sep 2018
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

新加坡2018年9月25日電 /美通社/ -- 在曼谷舉行的TTG旅遊大獎(TTG Travel Awards)上,Hertz Asia Pacific連續第13次榮登名人堂。

(l-r) Guest of honour, Mr Itthiphol Kunplome, Vice Minister of Tourism and Sports, Thailand, presents Mr Nicholas Waring, Director of Franchise Development, Hertz Asia Pacific, with the Hall of Fame accolade alongside Mr Darren Ng, Managing Director of TTG Asia Media (right).

(l-r) Guest of honour, Mr Itthiphol Kunplome, Vice Minister of Tourism and Sports, Thailand, presents Mr Nicholas Waring, Director of Franchise Development, Hertz Asia Pacific, with the Hall of Fame accolade alongside Mr Darren Ng, Managing Director of TTG Asia Media (right).



Hertz亞太區副總裁Eoin Macneill表示:「Hertz很榮幸進入旅遊名人堂,與業界同仁共同慶祝我們的成就。特別感謝我們的貿易合作夥伴和寶貴客戶的持續支援,以及我們不斷提供出色客戶服務的盡忠職守的工作人員。」



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作為Hertz Global Holdings, Inc.旗下子公司,Hertz Corporation在北美、歐洲、加勒比海地區、拉美、非洲、中東、亞洲、澳洲和新西蘭的約10,200個直營和加盟站點運營其品牌。Hertz Corporation是全球最大的汽車租賃公司之一,Hertz也是全球最知名的租車品牌之一。Hertz提供的產品和服務,包括Hertz金卡會員獎勵計劃(Hertz Gold Plus Rewards)、Ultimate Choice、Carfirmations和流動Wi-Fi以及特別系列激情探險車組、夢幻車組、綠色環保車組和尊貴豪華車組等,使赫茲在全球眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出。此外,Hertz旗下還擁有汽車租賃與車隊管理領導者Donlen,在國際市場上運營Firefly租車品牌和Hertz全天候汽車共用業務,並透過Hertz Car Sales出售汽車。詳情請瀏覽


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