中小企卓越成就獎2024 榮獲「卓越理財科技領先企業成就獎」LOGOS Wealth :正因科技進步 服務範圍更應精細

中小企卓越成就獎2024 榮獲「卓越理財科技領先企業成就獎」LOGOS Wealth :正因科技進步 服務範圍更應精細

Business Investment
By Linus Lau on 02 May 2024

Outstanding Achievement SME Award 2024 "Excellence in FinTech Leading Enterprise Achievement Award"
LOGOS Wealth: Serving with Greater Precision Due to Technological Advancements

LOGOS Wealth Management Group Company Limited(豐盛財富)由Raymond於2014年成立,多年來一直專注於保險科技和財富科技領域的創新和發展。過去十年成功與全球金融機構建立了50多個策略性合作夥伴關係。今次榮獲中小企卓越成就獎2024「卓越理財科技領先企業成就獎」,是對LOGOS Wealth 透過科技推動專業客戶服務的肯定。

對於Raymond來說,LOGOS Wealth的成功源於其精細的服務範圍,「我們起步初期,業務跟一般的網上投保模式分別不大,也是開放予大眾市場。(We started off in the early stages with a business model similar to the general online insurance model, targeting the mass market.)」但一年之後,Raymond有感要突出重圍,不可以走固有的路,就決定演變為創建一個服務平台予精選高端客戶群,「單以業務量和利潤率而言,這是一個正確的商業決定。(In terms of business volume and profit margin, this was a correct business decision.)

豐盛財富由Raymond 於2014年成立,多年來一直專注於保險科技和財富科技領域的創新和發展

「這當然也全賴科技的發展,特別近幾年的人工智能發展。(Of course, this was made possible by the development of technology, especially the advancements in AI in recent years.)」Raymond指出,LOGOS Wealth 應用科技主要在於數據驅動決策跟客戶需求導向,一方面利用大數據和AI技術,提高風險評估和定價準確性;另一方面,透過理財科技化服務,提升客戶體驗,實現產品、服務、保費個性化。


LOGOS Wealth的創新方法顯著提高了申請過程的效率和盈利能力,並在目標市場中佔有行業領導地位。在售後和索賠服務領域,LOGOS Wealth已與部分特定的機構合作,實現網上索賠申請,從而設立了一個自動化的索賠審核系統。

LOGOS Wealth的創新方法顯著提高了申請過程的效率和盈利能力,並在目標市場中佔有行業領導地位

對於一般人,科技的印象都是提高效率,以處理更多客人,這跟Raymond的經營邏輯正正相反,「正因為科技可以提升效率,我們便可以更專注於既有客戶身上,更加好好發揮我們的專業,在質量上發揮,而不是單單數量上升。(Because technology can enhance efficiency, we can focus more on our existing customers, leveraging our expertise and delivering quality rather than just focusing on increasing quantity.)」提高客戶體驗是LOGOS Wealth的服務宗旨。


「我們希望客人感受到的不單是由科技帶來的精準、理性的判斷。我們服務當中更有以真人出發、設身處地的關懷。(We want our customers to experience not only precise and rational judgments brought by technology but also a genuine and empathetic care provided by our human touch.)」Raymond認為只有人性才可結合科技,帶來令人滿意的服務,「正如我們透過營運科技及無紙化,除了令業務流程規範化加強企業管治更加順暢,更可減省碳排放量,這是一種使命,而不單是效益。(Just as we utilize operational technology and paperless processes to standardize business operations, strengthen corporate governance, and streamline efficiency, we also aim to reduce carbon emissions. This is not just about profitability but a mission as well.)


「LOGOS Wealth的十年發展旅程證明在保險科技和財富科技的動態領域中,持續創新和保持靈活的重要性,所以我們會一直積極留意全球最新科技趨勢。(The ten-year journey of LOGOS Wealth proves the ongoing importance of innovation and adaptability in the dynamic realms of InsurTech and WealthTech. Therefore, we will continue to actively monitor the latest global technology trends.)」Raymond補充,在未來,預計保險科技和財富科技的下一步將會涉及物聯網和醫療技術的整合,而這也是LOGOS Wealth未來的發展方向。



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