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Market Information PR Newswire
By PR Newswire on 02 Feb 2021
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

以色列蓋勒德2021年2月2日 /美通社/ -- 拜奧高,欣然宣佈,以色列與阿聯酋最近達成合作協議後,與獸醫供應商Eurovets公司建立歷史性的合作夥伴關係。在獸醫診斷領域的兩位全球領導者將結合其集體資源和專業知識,藉此改善動物福利。

Biogal and Eurovets are entering into a strategic partnership, following the recent peace treaty between Israel and the UAE. The two global leaders in the field of veterinary diagnostics will combine their collective resources and expertise to improve animal welfare.
Biogal and Eurovets are entering into a strategic partnership, following the recent peace treaty between Israel and the UAE. The two global leaders in the field of veterinary diagnostics will combine their collective resources and expertise to improve animal welfare.


Biogal行政總裁Marcela Raisman表示:「我們很高興宣佈Eurovets成為了Biogal的合作夥伴,我們很自豪能成為繼以色列與阿聯酋達成和平條約後首批建立此類合作的以色列公司之壹。我們將與Eurovets壹起支持兩國之間的新協議,並希望藉此激發其他公司採取相同行動。透過我們的共同努力,我們相信將可以為全球的獸醫及其患者創造可持續的價值。」

Eurovets股東Martin Wyness醫生表示:「通過以色列獸醫診斷試劑與阿聯酋動物保健行業的領軍公司的合作,我們為客戶、合作夥伴,以及患者本身提供增值服務,我們非常期待合作開始。」


Biogal - Galed Laboratories是獸醫診斷試劑的全球領導者,自1986年以來在伴侶動物和農場動物的獸醫診斷方面取得突破和發展。


Eurovets由在西方受訓的伴侶動物獸醫Martin Wyness博士和Jonathan Hale醫生成立。他們著重改善和縮小許多獸醫所面臨的供需矛盾。經過多年發展,他們已成為阿聯酋最備受信任的獸醫供應商之壹。


Yotam Copelovitz
+972 (0)4 9898605

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