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The Westin Surabaya 宣佈與小黃人合作舉辦精彩的節日活動

The Westin Surabaya 宣佈與小黃人合作舉辦精彩的節日活動

Market Information PR Newswire
By PR Newswire on 08 Dec 2023
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

重現The Westin Surabaya溫馨、誠摯和熱情的傳統

印尼蘇臘巴亞2023年12月8日 /美通社/ -- The Westin Surabaya激動地迎來一系列節日慶祝活動,在這個假日季讓各個年齡段的賓客度過快樂的時光。

The Westin Surabaya Announce Spectacular Festive Collaboration with Minions
The Westin Surabaya Announce Spectacular Festive Collaboration with Minions

隨著假日季的臨近,我們誠邀您加入The Westin Surabaya節日慶祝活動,感受我們溫馨、誠摯的氛圍。讓我們在這個與珍視的人優雅團聚的完美場所共同歡慶。

Magnolia Restaurant與小黃人進行特別合作

The Westin Surabaya 欣喜地宣佈與 Illumination 頗受歡迎的小黃人角色進行驚喜合作。酒店將舉辦獨家的小黃人節日早午餐(Festive Brunch)和小黃人節日下午茶(Festive High Tea)活動,這在蘇臘巴亞是首次。該活動將於12月16日至31日的週六和週日舉行,為您提供獨特的機會體驗愉快的節日慶典。

賓客可以盡情享用不僅美味,而且以可愛的小黃人角色為創意靈感的特色菜單。節日早午餐將在享有盛譽的Magnolia Restaurant舉行,該餐廳以其優雅的氛圍和出色的用餐體驗而聞名。家人和朋友們將有機會在沉浸於小黃人的奇幻世界中盡情享用豐盛的美食。而在Sky Lounge(天空酒廊),賓客可以享用獨特造型的小黃人角色美食,盡情享用節日下午茶。


小黃人節日早午餐價格為成人698,000++印尼盧比,5至12歲兒童 320,000++印尼盧比。作為獨家優惠,賓客可使用BCA借記卡/信用卡享受買一送一優惠。而在Sky Lounge舉辦的小黃人節日下午茶價格為348,000印尼盧比/一名成人和一名兒童。


為了確保無縫體驗,我們鼓勵有興趣的參與者提前預訂。更多信息和預訂咨詢,請聯繫 +62 812-3451-7829。


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