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Campari 慶祝成為第 75 屆康城影展的官方合作夥伴

Campari 慶祝成為第 75 屆康城影展的官方合作夥伴

Market Information PR Newswire
By PR Newswire on 23 May 2022
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為紀念 Campari 首年成為康城影展官方合作夥伴,品牌主辦一場盛大的晚會,將精彩的電影故事呈現眼前

法國康城2022年5月23日  /美通社/ -- 作為康城影展首年的官方合作夥伴,標誌性的意大利餐前紅酒 Campari繼續突破創意界限,將《Red Passion》精神帶到第 75 屆世界知名電影節。今年康城影展評審團成員、演員及監製 Édgar Ramírez 等明星出席這個難忘晚會。

Actor and producer, Édgar Ramírez, member of the jury for this year’s Festival de Cannes attends an unforgettable evening to celebrate Campari’s Official Partnership with the festival.
Actor and producer, Édgar Ramírez, member of the jury for this year’s Festival de Cannes attends an unforgettable evening to celebrate Campari’s Official Partnership with the festival.

延續 Campari 在電影界的現有傳統,並在康城中心的一個場地舉辦,品牌邀請每位客人成為Campair 世界的主角。在這個不容錯過的晚會,嘉賓享受了一系列獨特的體驗,而充滿活力的紅色燈光照耀著夜空,並可從克魯瓦塞特各處看到這場活動。

當晚是 Campari 突破預期界限並超越故事敍述規範的最新例證。一個突出的特點包括一個有趣的黑色立方體,在嘉賓進入時,邀請他們回答一條反映其電影偏好的問題,根據他們最喜歡的類型啟動視覺環境。然後,嘉賓可以享用由隱藏的調酒師調製的特製雞尾酒,並穿過牆壁送達。

品牌與電影的關係始於 1920 年代,作為一個平台,以一種有趣而神秘的方式表達其《Red Passion》精神和創造力,包括 1984 年與 Federico Fellini 在電視廣告中的矚目合作。這段豐富的歷史在近期由 Campari Red Diaries 延續,這是一系列短片,其中包括 Zoe Saldana、Ana De Armas 等標誌性的表演和導演傳奇人物。

整個晚上,嘉賓獲邀享用由 Camparino in Galleria 精心調製的 Campari 雞尾酒,這家傳奇酒吧由 Davide Campari 於 1915 年在米蘭的 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II 開設,現在於「The World's 50 Best Bars」2022 年名單中排名第 27 位。

為了紀念首年官方合作,位於 Galleria 的 Camparino 製作了一款獨特的雞尾酒,將在康城影展獨家供應:Red Carpet – Cannes Edition。這款雞尾酒是 Campari 與 Espolòn Tequila Blanco、注入 Fino Sherry 的海葉、Cinzano Vermouth Blanco、Wray & Nephew Overproof 冧酒,以及鹽糖漿和苦橙的完美平衡組合,並以橙皮綴飾。雞尾酒的清新風味和鹹味勾勒出影展紅地氈上充滿活力的地中海氣氛,而 Campari 的永恆百搭多變則以其苦味和獨特的紅色互相呼應。Campari 相信每款雞尾酒都是永恆的創作,講述一個獨特的故事,而這款雞尾酒講述了一個真正非比尋常的故事。 

Campari Group 集團全球市場推廣主管 Julka Villa評論道:「在第 75 屆康城影展期間,Campari 活動為我們提供一個激動人心的機會,可以邀請電影行業的主要嘉賓和電影愛好者齊聚一堂,沉浸在 Campari 體驗中,就像品牌在電影中的傳統一樣富有創意和創新。Campari 相信偉大的故事非比尋常,提供一個永恆的創造力和激情展示,我們的活動是將此《Red Passion》精神帶入世界著名電影節的絕佳機會。」

請關注 Campari 的社交媒體渠道,以獲取更多資訊:@campariofficial。

#Campari #Cannes2022 #RedPassion

Actor and producer, Édgar Ramírez, member of the jury for this year’s Festival de Cannes toasts to Campari’s first year as an Official Partner of Festival de Cannes at an unforgettable evening that saw each guest become the protagonist of a series of immersive cinema moments.
Actor and producer, Édgar Ramírez, member of the jury for this year’s Festival de Cannes toasts to Campari’s first year as an Official Partner of Festival de Cannes at an unforgettable evening that saw each guest become the protagonist of a series of immersive cinema moments.


Actor and producer, Édgar Ramírez, member of the jury for this year’s Festival de Cannes attends an unforgettable evening that saw each guest become the protagonist of a series of immersive cinema moments.
Actor and producer, Édgar Ramírez, member of the jury for this year’s Festival de Cannes attends an unforgettable evening that saw each guest become the protagonist of a series of immersive cinema moments.


As Official Partner of Festival de Cannes, Campari continues its legacy within the cinema industry by playing host to guests at an unforgettable evening of immersive cinema experiences, marking the brand’s first year as Official Partner the world-renowned film festival.
As Official Partner of Festival de Cannes, Campari continues its legacy within the cinema industry by playing host to guests at an unforgettable evening of immersive cinema experiences, marking the brand’s first year as Official Partner the world-renowned film festival.


Official Partner of 75th Festival de Cannes, Campari, served cocktails created by Camparino in Galleria; the legendary bar opened by Davide Campari in 1915 that is positioned as number 27 in the World’s 50 Best Bars list 2022.
Official Partner of 75th Festival de Cannes, Campari, served cocktails created by Camparino in Galleria; the legendary bar opened by Davide Campari in 1915 that is positioned as number 27 in the World’s 50 Best Bars list 2022.




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