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文策院線上參展安錫動畫影展  推動臺灣跨域改編力

文策院線上參展安錫動畫影展 推動臺灣跨域改編力

Market Information PR Newswire
By PR Newswire on 22 Jun 2020
PR Newswire (, a Cision company, is the premier global provider of media monitoring platforms and news distribution services that marketers, corporate communicators and investor relations professionals leverage to engage key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry since 1954, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, distribute, target and measure text and multimedia content across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world's largest multi-channel content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

台北2020年6月23日 /美通社/ -- 安錫國際動畫影展市場展將於6/15至6/30期間舉辦,受疫情影響改為線上展出。因應參展型態改變,文策院成立「虛擬台灣館」協助業者參與動畫市場展,並首次參與出版及動畫媒合單元,會前邀請資深動畫授權成員傳授經驗談,期能提高原創圖像IP媒合成功機率。

01 Taiwan Animated
01 Taiwan Animated

02 “Hero of Heroes,” the film adaptation of famous Taiwanese comic series Jhuge Shiro
02 “Hero of Heroes,” the film adaptation of famous Taiwanese comic series Jhuge Shiro

04 “Great Hoax: Moon Landing” by John HSU and Marco LOCOCO
04 “Great Hoax: Moon Landing” by John HSU and Marco LOCOCO

05 “Puppy Love” by I-Wen CHEN
05 “Puppy Love” by I-Wen CHEN

06 “The Illusionist on the Skywalk”
06 “The Illusionist on the Skywalk”


本年度影展傳來捷報,有兩部台灣原創內容入圍,由《返校》導演徐漢強的最新作品XR動畫《星際大騙局之登月計畫》入圍影展XR單元。台北藝術大學學生陳怡聞的作品《Puppy Love》則入圍學生競賽單元,劇照更登上法國影視產業雜誌《Ecran Total》今年度的安錫國際動畫影展特刊封面。

此次文策院並首度將台灣圖像出版業者導入影展機制,協助12間出版業者,帶著44本漫畫、繪本等圖像內容出版品,參加大會所舉辦的「Meet the Publisher」單元,讓更多圖像出版業者與國際動畫製作人進行媒合。例如已有豐富影視經驗的《用九柑仔店》、《天橋上的魔術師》以及《北城百畫帖》,以及在國際間擁有高知名度的幾米繪本,皆參與此次媒合活動。展會期間,文策院引薦國際動畫製作人才和台灣圖像出版業者洽談,並提供線上會議所需要的翻譯等服務,促成原創圖像IP的國際合作機會。




文策院動畫影展子品牌 TAIWAN ANimated:


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